Lac de Lacanau, Plage du Moutchic, 33680 Lacanau


Sailing school and rental on Lacanau lake

Sailing lessons and hire on Lacanau lake

With over 30 years’ experience, Chamoulou is the ideal partner for those who want to make the most of Lacanau lake: catamaran, laser, windsurfing, wing foil, stand up paddle… Both a sailing school and a rental centre, Chamoulou offers you quality equipment, unrivalled expertise and unfailing passion!

Catamaran 16/15/13

Planche à voile




Wing Foil

Wing Foil

Stand up paddle

Stand Up Paddle

Balade encadrée sur le lac de Lacanau

Guided tours

Your instructor

Antoine Chamoux

Antoine Chamoux moniteur de voile à Lacanau

Having grown up in Lacanau, Antoine turned to board sports on both the lake and the ocean at a very early age. Surfing, windsurfing, catamarans, lasers, wing foils and surf foils, he enjoys mixing and matching depending on the conditions.

A double BPJEPS instructor in surfing and sailing, he took over the family hut ‘Chamoulou’ in 2022, where he is fully committed to passing on his passion for sailing and his knowledge of Lacanau lake.

  • BPJEPS Sailing
  • BPJEPS Surfing
  • First aid training PSE1
  • Speaks French, German, English and Spanish

Customer reviews

Frequently asked questions

  • Arrive 5 minutes before the course or hire time
  • Remember to apply sun cream beforehand
  • Lifejackets are compulsory for lessons and hire
  • Plan your return to be on time
  • If you’re not sure you’re ready to hire, take a lesson first!
The hire company or instructor regularly observes the water with his binoculars. If a problem arises, he will intervene as quickly as possible with his motorboat (zodiac) to ensure the safety of his clients.
In the event of a storm warning, the lesson will be postponed or cancelled. In the event of a total cancellation, a refund will be provided. We adapt to weather conditions, if there is rain (showers) the session will be maintained, Chamoulou provides wetsuits to be as comfortable and safe as possible.
Pour le stand up paddle, des explications et une démonstration sont inclusFor stand-up paddling, explanations and a demonstration are included so that you can go out on your own in a supervised area. For other activities (sailing), a minimum of experience and knowledge is required, and the customer must be able to leave and return with the equipment on which he or she is practising. In the event of inability to return due to a lack of experience or overestimation of oneself by not following the instructions, the hire company will charge 10 € for the intervention. afin de pouvoir évoluer en autonomie dans une zone surveillé. Pour les autres activités (voile), un minimum d’expérience et de connaissances sont requis, le client doit savoir partir puis revenir avec le support sur lequel il pratique. En cas d’incapacité à revenir pour manque de niveau ou une surestime de soi en ne respectant pas les consignes, le loueur facturera 10 € l’intervention.
The equipment is recent and of high quality, some of the sailing boats are several years old, they are in very good condition, winterised and serviced after and before each season.
Come and enjoy Lacanau lake with us!
Don’t hesitate to contact us to book a lesson, hire equipment or for any other information you may require. We are open from the beginning of April to the end of October, but we can be contacted all year round by email or telephone.